Download JQuery Cheat Sheet [Part 1] for Your Quick Reference Free Download

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Table of Contents

  • Jquery Cheat Sheet PDF
  • Victimisation jQuery
  • Burden

jQuery is counted among the most popular JavaScript libraries. In fact, information technology is in use 3 to 4 times to a higher degree whatsoever past JavaScript library. Past May 2019, jQuery has been the preferred JS subroutine library by over 73% of the 10 zillion most democratic websites.

The receptive-source JavaScript library distributed under the MIT License is designed to simplify JS by offering easy and efficient ways for:

  • HTML DOM tree traversal
  • Consequence handling
  • DOM manipulation
  • CSS life
  • Ajax

Jquery Deceiver Sheet PDF

jQuery is straightforward to sympathize and arrive started with. Notwithstandin, look-alike with other JS libraries, it requires few time to build ahead the rate. To help oneself you, hither's the jQuery Cheat Canvass PDF Part-I for your mention:

Using jQuery

jQuery can be utilized just like any other JavaScript library i.e., past adding it victimization the HTML script tag preceding to writing cipher that requires jQuery. For exercise:

<script src="jsquery.js">
// Enter code leveraging jQuery here.


jQuery Object

  • jQuery() - Returns a collection of twin elements either created past short-lived an Hypertext mark-up language draw Oregon found in the DOM based on passed disputation(s). It has the undermentioned variations:
  • jQuery(selector [, context])/jQuery(element)/jQuery(elementArray)/jQuery(object)/jQuery(option)/jQuery()
  • jQuery(html [,ownerDocument])/jQuery(html, attributes)
  • jQuery(callback)
  • jQuery.noConflict([removeAll]) - Returns jQuery's control of the $ variable plunk for to another JS library. For example:
<script src="someJSlibrary.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.js"></handwriting>
// Enter code leveraging $ of someJSlibrary.
  • jQuery.holdReady(hold) - Allows the fresh to delay jQuery's ready event. Typically used by dynamic script loaders for loading additional JS, such as jQuery plugins, prior to the natural event of the at the ready event.
  • jQuery.when(deferred) - Offers a way to execute recall functions supported none, one or more Tenable objects. Returns a single-minded Promise when no arguments are passed.

Delayed Object

  • jQuery.Deferred([beforeStart]) - Returns/Creates a chainable utility object (deferred aim) in the pending commonwealth. IT is a factory function.
  • deferred.always(alwaysCallbacks [, alwaysCallbacks]) - Calls handlers when the Deferred objective is resolved or rejected. Other methods of the Deferred objective can be chained to this method. Callbacks are executed in the aforementioned order as they were added.
  • deferred.done(done callback [, doneCallbacks]) - Calls handlers when the Deferred object is single-minded. Accepts one or many arguments. These tail end either be a single function or an array of functions.
  • [, failCallbacks]) - Calls handlers when the Delayed object is rejected. Accepts unitary or umpteen arguments, which give the sack be either a single function or an set out of functions. Executes callbacks in the Sami order as they are added.
  • deferred.give notice(args) - Calls the progressCallbacks added by postponed.and so or deferred.progress on a Deferred physical object with the given arguments. The arguments are passed to each progressCallback.
  • postponed.notifyWith(circumstance [, args]) - Calls the progressCallbacks on a Postponed object with the given arguments and linguistic context.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 1.8] deferred.pipe([doneFilter][, failFilter]) - Utility method for filtering and/or chaining Delayed objects. Returns a recent promise that filters the status and values of a Deferred object finished a function.
  • deferred.progress(progressCallbacks [, progressCallbacks]) - Calls handlers when the Deferred object generates progress notifications. Other methods of the Deferred aim can follow chained to this method acting.
  • deferred.promise([target]) - Allows an allochronic function to prevent early code from interfering with the progress or status of its internal request. When a target is provided, information technology attaches the methods onto it and and so returns this object rather than creating a new one.
  • deferred.reject([args]) - Rejects a Delayed object and calls any failCallbacks with the conferred arguments.
  • postponed.rejectWith([, args]) - Rejects a Deferred object and calls any failCallbacks with the given circumstance and arguments.
  • postponed.resolution([args]) - Resolves a Delayed aim and calls any doneCallbacks with the given arguments.
  • deferred.resolveWith(context[, args]) - Resolves a Deferred aim and calls any doneCallbacks with the given arguments and context.
  • deferred.state() - Returns a string that represents the present state of a Deferred object. In other words, it determines the new res publica of a Deferred object. A Deferred object can be in one of the following three states:
  • Pending - Non in a realised state.
  • Resolved - Either delayed.resolve() or deferred.resolveWith() has been titled, and the doneCallbacks have been called or are about to be titled.
  • Rejected - Either postponed.reject() operating theater deferred.rejectWith() has been called, and the failCallbacks have been called or are about to equal called.
  • postponed.and so(doneFilter[, failFilter][, progressFilter]) - Calls handlers when the Postponed object is resolved, rejected, or pending. Returns a new promise that can filter the status and values of the Delayed object through and through a subprogram. Allows chaining other methods of the Promise object to it.
  • .promise([type][, target]) - Returns a dynamically generated Assure objective that is resolute when altogether actions of a certain eccentric take a hop to the accumulation, waiting line or not, have all over.


  • jQuery.contains(container, contained) - Checks whether a DOM element is a descendant of some other DOM element or not. Supports only element nodes. The first debate can't be a jQuery object or plain JS physical object, it must atomic number 4 a DOM element. For example:
$.contains(written document.documentElement, document.Dead body); // Returns true
$.contains(text file.Body, document.documentElement); // Returns false
  • jQuery.each(array/object, callback) - Seamlessly iterates over both arrays and objects. While arrays and array-like objects with a length property are iterated by numeric index, beginning from 0 and finish at duration - 1, other objects are iterated via their named properties. Returns the first argument, i.e., the objective that is iterated.
  • jQuery.prolong(aim, [, object1], [, object2],.…, [, objectN]) - Merge the table of contents of two or more objects conjointly into the target, first object. Ignores nix or undefined arguments. If only one argument is supplied, i.e., the target argument is omitted, the jQuery object is assumed to live the target object. This helps in adding new functions to the jQuery namespace.
  • jQuery.globalEval(code[, options]) - Executes the mentioned JS code within the global context. Typically used for loading external scripts dynamically.
  • jQuery.grep(array, function, [, invert]) - Finds members of an array that satisfy a filter function. The creative array remains unaffected. Deuce arguments are passed to the filter function, the current range item and its forefinger.
  • jQuery.inArray(value, array, [, fromIndex]) - Searches and returns the indicator of a specified measure in an set out. Returns -1 if not found.
  • jQuery.isArray(object) - Checks/Tests whether the object is an array.
  • jQuery.isEmptyObject(object) - Checks/Tests whether the object is void i.e. contains no enumerable properties. E.g.:
jQuery.isEmptyObject({}); // Returns true
jQuery.isEmptyObject({ not: "empty" }); // Returns faux
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.3] jQuery.isFunction(value) - Returns true if the argument passed is a callable work. False otherwise.
  • jQuery.isNumeric(value) - Returns true if the argument passed is of type number or string. False other than.
  • jQuery.isPlainObject(object) - Checks whether the provided objective is a plain object or non.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.3] jQuery.isWindow(object) - Returns true if the passed argument is a window.
  • jQuery.isXMLDoc(lymph gland) - Checks whether a DOM node is an XML text file or within an XML document.
  • jQuery.makeArray(targe) - Converts an array-like object into a true JS array. Send conversion, whatever special features the object had will no longer be available.
  • jQuery. map out(array /object, recall) - Applies a subroutine to each element of an array Beaver State object and maps the processed elements in a new array.
  • jQuery.merge(kickoff, second) - Returns an array containing all elements from the two arrays. The order of the elements is preserved and items from the second array are appended to the first-year array. For instance,
jQuery.mix up ([0, 1, 2 , 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]) // Returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  • jQuery.noop() - An empty occasion that is victimized when there is a indigence to pass a function that does nothing. Useful for jQuery plugin authors for offer facultative callbacks. The function executes when no callback is given.
  • - Returns a keep down that represents the current time. Similar to the (new Appointment).getTime() formulation.
  • jQuery.parseHTML(data[, context][, keepScripts]) - Uses native methods to convert (parse) a surrendered string into an set out of DOM nodes.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] jQuery.parseJSON() - Returns an equivalent weight JavaScript value from a well-Y-shaped JSON string. A JS exception is thrown if a malformed JSON string is passed.
  • jQuery.parseXML(information) - Parses/Converts a string into an XML document using the native parsing occasion of the browser. The created XML document force out then be passed to jQuery for creating a typical jQuery physical object, which can be manipulated and traversed.
  • jQuery.placeholder(mathematical function, context) - Returns a function that will always take in a particular linguistic context.. Useful for attaching event handlers to an element where the context points back to a different object.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 1.9] - A set of properties representing the presence of different browser features operating theater bugs. Intended for internal use in jQuery.
  • jQuery.trim(string) - Removes the whitespace (newlines, spaces, and tabs) from the beginning and last of the supplied string. Whitespace characters portray in otherwise the start and end of the string are preserved.
  • jQuery.type(object) - Determines the inside JavaScript [[Class]] of the passed object.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] jQuery.unique(array) - Searches through an array of DOM elements, performs categorization, and removes extra elements. Unusable for arrays of numbers or strings.
  • jQuery.uniqueSort(array) - Successor for jQuery.unique() method acting from jQuery 3.0.

DOM Element Methods

  • .contract(index) - Returns an element/DOM knob co-ordinated by the indicant. Returns undefined if the respect of the index is sideline. If no index is supplied, the method returns an array of whol the elements.
  • .index(element/selector) - Takes a DOM node and returns an index. Returns an whole number appreciate depending on three different cases:
  • When no argument is passed - Returns an whole number representing the position of the first element within the jQuery object w.r.t. its sibling elements.
  • When the method is called along a assembling of elements, and a DOM ingredient or jQuery object is passed - Returns an integer representing the position of the passed chemical element w.r.t to the original assemblage.
  • When a selector string up is passed - Returns an integer value indicating the position of the first element inside the jQuery object w.r.t. The elements matched by the selector thread. Returns -1 when an element is not found.
  • .toArray() - Returns an array of complete the elements in the jQuery set.


  • .jquery - A string containing the version number of jQuery. The property is assigned to the jQuery image i.e. $.fn. For example,
alert ("The jQuery version you're exploitation is:" + $.fn.jquery); // Returns the version number of jQuery you'atomic number 75 running.
  • jQuery.error(substance) - Accepts a chain and throws an exception containing the same. They are primarily used aside plugin developers for overriding the method for providing a punter/more informative exhibit for the error messages.
  • .length - Returns an integer value representing the number of elements in the jQuery physical object. Similar to the .size up() method.
  • .pushStack(elements)/.pushStack(elements, name, arguments) - Adds an array of DOM elements onto the jQuery whole sle.

Callbacks Object

  • jQuery.Callbacks(flags) - Used internally for providing the base functionality to the jQuery $.ajax() and $.Delayed() components. It is a multi-purpose method offering a brawny way of managing callback lists. Provides support for several methods, such arsenic callbacks.sum up(), callbacks.disable(), and callbacks.remove().
    The optional flags contention determines the behaviour of the returned callback lean. Supported flags are:
  • memory - Keeps track of the previous values and calls any callback added after the list has been fired straight away with the modish memorized values.
  • one time - Ensures that the recall list is fired only once.
  • stopOnFalse - Interrupts callings upon coming across a recall returns false.
  • unique - Ensures that a callback is added only once.
  • callbacks.add(callbacks) - Adds single surgery multiple callbacks to a callback list.
  • callbacks.disenable() - Disables a recall lean from acting encourage.
  • callbacks.disabled() - Checks whether the callback tilt is disabled.
  • callbacks.empty() - Removes all the callbacks from a recall list.
  • - Calls/Invokes all the callbacks from a callback listing with the passed arguments.
  • callbacks.fired() - Checks whether the callbacks from a callback list experience been called at the least once.
  • callbacks.fireWith([linguistic context][, arguments]) - Fires all callbacks from a callback list with the passed arguments and context.
  • callbacks.has([callback]) - Checks if the recall list has any callbacks loving. If a callback is passed as an argument, then determines whether it is in the recall list or not.
  • callbacks.lock() - Locks a callback heel in its current state. Additional functions can represent added and fired afterwards the callback list is locked, provided the Callbacks objective is created with the memory flag equally its contestation.
  • callbacks.locked() - Determines the lock-province of a callback list.
  • callbacks.remove(callbacks) - Removes one Oregon more or totally callbacks from a callback list.

Personal effects

Information technology is possible to globally turn out all jQuery effects by setting: = true


  • .hide()/.hide([duration][, complete])/.hide(options)/.hide out(duration[, easing][, complete]) - Hides the matching element(s).
  • .show()/.appearance([continuance][, complete])/.show(options)/.show(continuance[, easement][, complete]) - Displays the matching element(s).
  • .toggle()/.toggle([length][stand-alone])/.toggle(options)/.toggle(duration[, easing][, complete])/.toggle(display) - Toggles the visibility of co-ordinated elements.


  • .animate(properties[, duration][, moderation][, stark])/.animate(properties, options) - Creates animation effects along any numeric CSS property.
  • .clearQueue(queueName) - Removes all functions pending execution from the passed queue. Removes remaining functions from the fx, the standard effects queue, when titled without specifying a queue, i.e., no argument specified.
  • .delay(length[, queueName]) - Delays, with a timer, the pending functions in the specified queue.
  • .dequeue(queueName) - Removes the next use from the specified queue and then executes the same.
  • jQuery.dequeue(element[, queueName]) - Same arsenic that of .dequeue().
    Note: Secondary method. Victimization .dequeue() preferred.
  • .finish(queue) - Stops the ongoing (currently-running) invigoration, removes all queued animations, and completes all animations away setting their CSS properties to their target values. If a string is passed, then only the animations represented past the similar are stopped from the queue.
    Take note: The .finish() method is the same as that of the .stop(geographical, accurate) with the exception that the former as wel results in setting CSS properties of all the queued animations to their end values.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] jQuery.fx.musical interval - A property for adjusting the rate, in milliseconds, at which animations are laid-off. The default is 13 ms.
    Note: No effect in browser supporting the requestAnimationFrame method.
  • - When set to dependable, this property disables all animations, i.e., instead of displaying an effect, all animation methods set their elements to their final state. Set the property false to turn on animations.
  • jQuery.speed([duration][, settings])/jQuery.speed([duration][, easing][, complete])/jQuery.speed(settings) - Allows defining properties usable in a custom vivification by creating an objective containing the same, now available in the definition of usance animations. An mutually exclusive to implementing logic transaction with default values and optional parameters for shaping animation effects.
  • .queue([queueName]) - DIsplays the queue of functions pending execution along the competitory elements.
  • .queue([queueName], newQueue)/.queue([queueName], callback) - Manipulates the queue of functions pending death penalty, once for every matched element.
  • jQuery.queue(element[, queueName]) - Corresponding as that of .queue([queueName]) method.
    Note: Low-level method. .queue([queueName]) recommended.
  • jQuery.queue(element, queueName, newQueue)/jQuery.queue(element, queueName, callback) - Same as that of .queue() method for manipulating.
    Note: Low-level method acting. .queue() recommended.
  • .full stop([clearQueue][, jumpToEnd])/.stop([line up][, clearQueue][, jumpToEnd]) - Stops on-going animation for the one-to-one elements.


  • .fadeIn([length][, complete])/.fadeIn(options)/.fadeIn([duration][, easing][, concluded]) - Displays matched element(s) aside fading them completely opaque.
  • .fadeOut([duration][, everlasting])/.fadeOut(options)/.fadeOut([duration][, easing][, complete]) - Hides matched element(s) aside fading them to transparent.
  • .fadeTo(duration, opacity [, complete])/.fadeTo(duration, opacity [, easing][, complete]) - Adjusts opacity of matched constituent(s).
  • .fadeToggle([duration][, easing][, complete])/.fadeToggle(options) - Displays operating room hides matched elements by enlivening their opacity.


  • .slideDown([duration][, complete])/.slideDown(options)/.slideDown([duration][, easing][, complete]) - Displays the matched elements with a slippy motion.
  • .slideToggle([duration][, complete])/.slideToggle(options)/.slideToggle([duration][, easing][, complete]) - Displays OR hides the matched elements with a sliding motion.
  • .slideUp([duration][, complete])/.slideUp(options)/.slideUp([duration][, moderation][, complete]) - Hides the matched elements with a slippery motion.


Browser Events

  • .resize(handler)/.resize([eventData], handler)/.resize() - Triggers the resize JS effect along an factor. Dismiss likewise be secondhand for binding an upshot coach to the resize event.
  • .scroll(handler)/.scroll([eventData], handler)/.scroll() - Triggers the curlicue JS event on an element. Also ill-used for binding an event handler to the scroll event.

Document Loading

  • .ready(handler) - Specifies a operate to be executed once the DOM is fully loaded. It offers a mode to run the JS codification as soon as the web Page's DOM becomes safe to rig.

Upshot Handler Attachment

  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] .bind(eventType [, eventData], manager)/.tie down(eventType [, eventData] [,preventBubble])/.oblige(events) - Attaches a handler to nonpareil Oregon more events for the elements.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] .assign(selector, eventType, animal trainer)/.delegat(picker, eventType, eventData, handler)/.delegate(selector, events) - Attaches a handler to a single or several events for all matching elements, instantly Beaver State some time subsequently the basis of a specific set of root elements.
  • .off()/.off(event)/.off(events [, selector])/.off(events [, selector][handler]) - Removes specified event handler(s) attached with .along(). Removes all handlers connected to the elements when no arguments are specified.
  • .on(events [, picker][, data], handler)/.happening(events [, picker][, data]) - Attaches unrivaled or more event handlers for a single or several events to the hand-picked elements.
  • .one(events [, data], handler)/.on(events [, selector switch][, data], handler)/.one(events [, selector][, data]) - Almost identical to .along() method acting with the exception that the handler for an ingredient and event type is untethered after the first conjuration.
  • .trigger(eventType [, extraParameters])/.trigger(result [, extraParameters]) - Executes all event handlers and behaviors attached to matched elements for an issue. The order of the performance of event handlers is maintained, i.e., the event handlers are executed in the same edict as they were to equal executed if triggered naturally by the exploiter.
  • .triggerHandler(eventType [, extraParameters])/.triggerHandler(event [, extraParameters]) - Executes wholly event handlers attached to the co-ordinated component for an event.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] .unbind()/.unbind(upshot)/.unbind(eventType, false)/.unbind(eventType, [, handler]) - Removes a event manager(s) from the matched elements.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.0] .undelegate()/.undelegate(namespace)/.undelegate(selector, eventType)/.undelegate(selector, eventType, handler)/.undelegate(selector, events) - Removes event handlers bound using .delegate().

Form Events

  • .blur()/.fuzz(handler)/.blur([eventData], animal trainer) - Binds or triggers an event handler to the blear JS effect on an element.
  • .commute()/.change(coach)/.change([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an effect handler to the change JS event on an element.
  • .focus()/.focus(handler)/.focus([eventData], handler) - Binds operating theater triggers an event manager to the focus JS event on an ingredient.
  • .focusin()/.focusin(animal trainer)/.focusin([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an event handler to the focusin JS event on an element.
  • .focusout()/.focusout(coach)/.focusout([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an event handler to the focusout JS event on an element.
  • .select()/.select(manager)/.select([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an case coach to the prize JS event happening an element.
  • .submit()/.submit(manager)/.submit([eventData], handler) - Binds surgery triggers an event to the state JS event on an element.

Keyboard Events

  • .keydown()/.keydown(coach)/.keydown([eventData], coach) - Binds or triggers an issue handler to the keydown JS event along an element.
  • .keypress()/.keypress(handler)/.keypress([eventData], handler) - Binds OR triggers an event handler to the keypress JS outcome on an element.
  • .keyup()/.keyup(handler)/.keyup([eventData], animal trainer) - Binds or triggers an result handler to the keyup JS event on an element.

Mouse Events

  • .click()/.click(handler)/.click([eventData], manager) - Binds OR triggers an event animal trainer to the dawn JS case on an constituent.
  • .contextmenu()/.contextmenu(handler)/.contextmenu([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an upshot coach to the contextmenu JS event on an element.
  • .dblclick()/.dblclick(handler)/.dblclick([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an result handler to the dblclick JS event on an element.
  • .levitate(handlerIn, handlerOut) - Binds two event handlers to the matched elements that execute when the sneak pointer enters and leaves the elements. For constipating one effect coach, use .hover(handlerInOut).
  • .mousedown()/.mousedown(handler)/.mousedown([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an event manager to the mousedown JS event on an element.
  • .mouseenter()/.mouseenter(handler)/.mouseenter([eventData], coach) - Binds or triggers an event handler when the mouse enters an element.
  • .mouseleave()/.mouseleave(handler)/.mouseleave([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an event handler when the mouse leaves an constituent.
  • .mousemove()/.mousemove(handler)/.mousemove([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an event handler to the mousemove JS event along an element.
  • .mouseout()/.mouseout(handler)/.mouseout([eventData], handler) - Binds operating room triggers an result handler to the mouseout JS event on an element.
  • .mouseover()/.mouseover(handler)/.mouseover([eventData], handler) - Binds OR triggers an event handler to the mouseover JS upshot on an chemical element.
  • .mouseup()/.mouseup(handler)./mouseup([eventData], handler) - Binds or triggers an event handler to the mouseup JS event on an ingredient.

Event Targe

  • case.currentTarget - The award DOM component inside the event bubbling phase.
  • event.delegateTarget - The element where the presently-called jQuery event handler was attached.
  • - An optional aim of data passed to an event method when the present capital punishment handler is bound.
  • outcome.isDefaultPrevented() - Returns a Boolean value representing whether the event.preventDefault() method was called or not.
  • event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() - Checks whether the event.stopImmediatePropagation() method was called operating room not.
  • outcome.isPropagationStopped() - Checks whether the outcome.stopPropagation() method was named or not.
  • event.metakey - Checks whether the META key was fired during the time the event was dismissed.

    Note: The META key for Windows-based keyboards is the Windows key and Command key for Mac-based keyboards.

  • event.namespace - Determines the event namespace used when the mere event was triggered. Used in the main by jQuery plugin authors requiring handling tasks differently on the basis of the event namespace victimized.
  • event.pageX - Displays the mouse position relative to the left border of the written document.
  • event.pageY - Displays the black eye position relative to the top edge of the document.
  • case.preventDefault() - Prevents the default on action of the nominal event.
  • outcome.relatedTarget - Indicates:
    -> The element being entered for mouseout
    -> The element exiting for mouseover.
  • event.result - Returns the last value returned by an event animal trainer that was triggered past the specified event.
  • event.stopImmediatePropagation() - Prevents execution of the rest of the event handlers and prevents the specific upshot from bubbling up the DOM tree.
  • result.stopPropagation() - Prevents the specified event from bubbling up the DOM Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree
  • - Returns the DOM element that initiated the specified event.
  • outcome.timeStamp - Returns a number that represents the departure (in milliseconds) between the time the browser created the specified event and January 1, 1970.
  • event.type - Describes the nature of the specified event.
  • event.which - Indicates the key or button that was ironed for key or mouse events, respectively.



  • jQuery( " * " ) - Selects all elements. Called the All or Adaptable Selector.
    Note: Highly slow, unless used by itself.
  • jQuery( " .class ") - Selects whol the elements of the specified class. Notable arsenic the Sort Selector switch.
  • jQuery( " element ") - Selects all the elements with the specified tag name. Known as the Element Selector.
  • jQuery( " #id ") - Selects an element with the passed id attribute. Glorious as the ID Selector.
  • jQuery( " selector1, selector2,...,selectorN) - Selects the combined results of all the specified selectors. Known as the Seven-fold Selector.

Pecking order

  • jQuery( " parent>nestling ") - Selects all the head child elements specified by "child" of elements specified by "parent". Known as the Child Selector.
  • jQuery( "ancestor-descendant ") - Selects each the posterity of the specified ascendent. Best-known atomic number 3 the Descendent Selector.
  • jQuery( " prev + next ") - Selects completely the next elements matching the next selector switch that are immediately preceded by a sibling prev selector. Illustrious as the Next Near Selector.

    Note: Elements on either sidelong of the combinator must have the same parent.

  • jQuery( " prev ~ siblings ") - Selects all sibling elements that pursue afterward the prev selector, have the same nurture, and match the filtering sibling's selector—called the Next Siblings Selector.

    Note: Elements happening either side of the combinator must induce the same rear.

Basic Filters

  • jQuery( " : animated " ) - Selects all the in-progress elements of aliveness during the clock time the chooser is run, known as the Alive Chooser.

    Note: The filter throws an error when used without the effects mental faculty.

  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :eq(index) ")/ jQuery( " :eq(-power) ") - Selects the factor at specified exponent within the matching set.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :even ") - Selects true index elements.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :first ") - Selects the first matched DOM component.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :gt(index finger) " )/jQuery( " :gt(-indicator) " ) - Selects all the elements at an index greater than the specified indicator within the matching set.
  • jQuery( " :coping ") - Selects all the header elements.
  • jQuery( " :lang(language) " ) - Selects completely the elements of the specified linguistic communication.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :last " ) - Selects the high matching chemical element.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :lt(power) " )/jQuery( " :lt(-index) " ) - Selects all the elements at an index less than the specific index within the matching set.
  • jQuery( " :not(selector) ") - Selects all the elements that don't match the specified selector.
  • [Deprecated in jQuery 3.4] jQuery( " :odd ") - Selects odd index number elements.
  • jQuery( " :steady down ") - Selects the root element of the document.
  • jQuery( " :target ") - Selects the target constituent based on the fragment identifier of the document's URI.

Capacity Filters

  • jQuery( " :contains(text) ") - Selects complete the elements containing the specified text.
  • jQuery( " :vacuous ") - Selects every last the elements having no children, including text nodes.
  • jQuery ( " :has(selector) ") - Selects every last the elements containing leastways indefinite element matching the specified selector.
  • jQuery( " : parent ") - Selects completely the elements having a marginal of one child node, which prat constitute either an factor Oregon textual matter.

Visibility Filters

  • jQuery( " :hidden ") - Selects every last the out of sight elements.
  • jQuery( " :panoptical ") - Selects all the visible elements.


  • jQuery( " [assign|= ' value ' ] ") - Selects all the elements that have the specific impute with a value adequate the specified string operating theatre starting with the selfsame followed past a -.
  • jQuery( " [attribute*= ' value ' ] ") - Selects all the elements that have the specified impute with a appreciate containing the specified substring.
  • jQuery( " [name~= ' value ' ] ") - Selects elements having the specified attribute with a value containing the specified word, finite by spaces.
  • jQuery( " [advert$= ' value ' ] ") - Selects elements having the specified impute with a assess closing exactly with the specified thread. Makes case-susceptible comparison.
  • jQuery(" [key out= ' value ' ] ") - Selects elements having the mere attribute with a value exactly isometric to the specified value.
  • jQuery( " [name!= ' value ' ] ") - Selects elements that don't give birth the specified attribute American Samoa wellspring as those that have the specified attribute, not the specified value.
  • jQuery(" [name^= ' value ' ] ") - Selects elements having the specified attribute with a value source exactly with the specified string.
  • jQuery( " [name] ") - Selects elements having the mere attribute, regardless of the value they are having.
  • jQuery( " [attributeFilter1][attributeFilter2]...[attributeFilterN] " ) - Selects elements that match all the specified attributed filters. Known equally Multiple Attribute Chooser.

Child Filters

  • jQuery( " :first-child ") - Selects all the elements that are the first child of their raise.
  • jQuery( " :first-of-type ") - Selects all the elements that are the first among all the siblings of the unvaried chemical element name.
  • jQuery( " :last-child ") - Selects all the elements that are the lastly kid of their parent.
  • jQuery( " :lastly-of-eccentric ") - Selects all the elements that are the last among all the siblings of the same chemical element name.
  • jQuery( " :nth-child(index/straight-grained/odd/equation) ") - Selects every the elements that are the nth-child of their parent.
  • jQuery( " :nth-last-child(index/straight-grained/odd/equation) ") - Selects all the elements that are the ordinal-child of their parent, starting from the most recently element to the first-class honours degree element.
  • jQuery( " :nth-of-type(index/even/odd/equation) ") -Selects all the elements that are the n-th-child of their raise with respect to siblings with the comparable factor name.
  • jQuery( " :nth-final-of-type(index/equal/odd/equality) ") - Selects all the elements that are the nth-nipper of their parent with respect to siblings with the same element name. IT starts tally towards the last element to the prototypic element.
  • jQuery( " :only-child ") - Selects totally the elements that are the single child of their parent element.
  • jQuery( " :only-of-type ") - Selects all the elements that have no siblings with the synoptic element mention.

    Note: Matches nothing if the parent has else child elements with the corresponding element name.


  • jQuery( " :push ") - Selects complete the push elements as well equally elements of the type button.
  • jQuery( " :checkbox ") - Selects all the elements of the type checkbox.
  • jQuery( " :checkered ") - Selects all the elements that are restrained (Oregon selected).
  • jQuery( " :disabled ") - Selects all the elements that are hors de combat.
  • jQuery( " :enabled ") - Selects totally the elements that are enabled.
  • jQuery( " :focus ") - Selects an element if it is currently focused.
  • jQuery( " :file ") - Selects all the elements of the typecast file.
  • jQuery( " :image ") - Selects all the elements of the type image.
  • jQuery( " :stimulant ") - Selects all the button, input, prime, and textarea elements.
  • jQuery( " :watchword ") - Selects all the elements of the type password.
  • jQuery( " :radio ") - Selects all the elements of the type tuner.
  • jQuery( " :reset ") - Selects all the elements of the type reset.
  • jQuery( " :elect ") - Selects each the elements that are selected.

That completes part - I of jQuery Cheat Sheet. We explained Core, Personal effects, Events, and Selectors Here. In the 2nd part, we'll concentrate on AJAX, Attribute/CSS, Manipulation, and Traversing in jQuery. You give the sack continue with this link for further part 2 Jquery Checklist.

P.S. - See tabu these top 5 JavaScript certifications.

Download Jquery Rip off Sheet of paper Here.

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Akhil Bhadwal

Akhil Bhadwal

A Computer Scientific discipline graduate interested in admixture up imaging and knowledge into enticing words. Been in the big bad world of self-satisfied authorship since 2014. In his independent prison term, Akhil likes to bring on cards, do guitar jam, and write unearthly fiction. Opinion wholly posts by the Generator


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